It is ok to feel jealous? Is it healthy to feel a slight pang of envy against the attention your loved one is getting from other people? It is weird. I feel pain. Sad. Anguish. Helplessness. It doesnt help if your loved one does not give a damn about how you feel. Direct flirtation right in your face.
I would not mind it that much if you kept it behind closed doors. Shut, sealed behind locks and keys and bolts. Away from me. Just to respect our relationship, I let it go. I do not mind. I could not tell you. I might be the bad guy. The oversensitive one.
You say you want to cook for others. Well go ahead. I do not mind. I do not care anymore. It is painful to feel. I could have ripped my heart out so you stab it a million times and I will never feel it.
It is inhumane, ripping my heart with the blood gushing out so ferociously. :(