Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wet Floors

Ah, the reason for the title is due to the fact
that it is raining again.

Anyways, i had mcd's just now with daniel.
i drove there and on the way there, i met with
a ridiculous driver.

i was minding my own business on my lane and out of nowhere,
a small silver kelisa swerve into my lane and cut me

of course i went and"pin, pin" that fella la.
Then i saw 3 ladies in the car.
it was more of 2 ladies and a bitch.

of course the bitch is the driver la.
and that bitch aint young so i dont
bother with my courtesy.

well, because of my "pin, pin", of course the
bitch showed me her bitch power la.

she kept on staring at her rear mirror, peering at me.
i was wondering, wtf is she doing that because it was her mistake.
she did the turn into my lane without any signal.

besides that, the turn she made was abrupt.
if it wasnt for my uber quick reflexes, i'd be alive while
she.....( you know la )

so.... all i wanted to conclude is,,,, do use the signal lights to avoid
any conflicts on the road.

imagine i am was some psychopath....
i wonder what you have happened to the
3 lovely ladies :)

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