Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bad Day

Last night I went for a midnight show at OU

"Laughing Gor"

Though it was not the best movie I've ever watched, it was not the worst.
This kind of police VS gangster movie you can't expect it to be more creative.
Normally the story will just be about police sending undercovers to join gangster,
gangsters sending undercovers to become police.
Fight till die. Thats all.

Whats more?
Mafia sends an undercover to become police, police sends that guy back to become police undercover in mafia.


The mafia head himself is also Chief of Criminal Investigation Department (CID)?

Whatever it is, I don't really care =)

Anyway, movie ends at 1am, I slept at 2 am.
This morning, as usual QQ (my dog) woke me up because he needed to poo and pee, not that he really want me to wake up.

I flew passed MRR2, so I was early to work today.
Customers were damn early also, came all of a sudden, looked for some strange things I couldn't find even after ransackking the whole store.
I called my boss, I kept customers waiting, in the end I managed to find.
Thanks to their patience, I didn't get scolded.

But then later, I keyed in wrong amount to the cashier. =.=

Whatever la....

After that I went to bank in money.

btw, I'm not used to the traditional way of depositing money where you have to fill in a form, take number, wait for your turn, wait for them to count the money etc. I normally use fast cash deposit machine.

Today I attempted to bank in using the traditional way,
Who knows....
First, I filled the form wrongly,
Second, I forgot I need to get a number from the counter.
Thirdly, of course I wasted some time there. =(


My bad day didn't just end like that.
Next, I noticed the good had a wrong price tag, it was too cheap, but since the customer already saw the price, I can't tell him "Oo sorry boss this price is wrong, actually is RM 58 instead of RM 28". He will think I'm cheating him. I better not take the risk.

Not only that! he paid RM 100, I gave him RM 82 change. =.= RM 10 more
Thank god I was early to notice that, I told him nicely, he returned the money.
One of my colleague then ask, "hey boss beli barang tak ada lucky draw ke?"

First I have to explain, our shop now is doing promotion for Raya, above RM 50 can get a lucky draw.

My colleague actually didn't know how much that customer spent on our shop, he just ask randomly. I was too blur, I straight away say "Oh ya, ada!" So, he got to draw one, he won a small basket. Cheap stuff...

So again, Whatever la!!!

However, come to think of it, I already sold the good with an extremely cheap price, I somemore gave him a lucky draw...

Haih, whatever la....

My tragedy never ends.

Next, I sum RM 7.40 and RM 2.00 as RM 11.40.
The customer paid me RM 10, I ask for another RM 1.40.
Luckily my colleague corrected me.
Hahaha, laughed for a while.

Whatever ba...

Later on, another customer,
wow, he bought a lot of stuffs, thank God I brought my scientific calculator.
So, no matter how many items he purchases, with my scientific calculator, I'm sure I can count accurately without any difficulties.

Haih, who knows,
I made a human error, I counted everything except for one item.
How smart was I?


About 5:30 pm, all of a sudden, heavy rain ~
In fact, till now (8:36pm) it's still raining out there.

We quickly carry the stuff outside back into the shop.
In the process of carrying stuff, I accidentally injured my hand.
How clumsy~~

Damn it!

So far, these are all the bad events happened today.
I hope there won't be anymore!

However, I believed I all these bad karma happened on me because I was being impatient with my mum this morning. =(

My bad, I'm sorry mum...

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