Wednesday, July 29, 2009


She was as if raped by an anonymous without any opportunity to resist, shame and humiliation overwhelmed her pain. On earth why there is such creature behaving like it’s the way it should be, stripping and jeopardizing everyone’s right mercilessly. I was indeed speechless, puzzled with my own thoughts. Why does a heart that pumps unconditionally not appreciated? I can’t deny, that might be the way you like it, viciously haunting people endlessly with your venomous words from your 3 inch little tongue and your un-slice-able adamatium throat that bring uneasiness and embarrassment to people for your whatever reason and motive that lie in, regardless to whomever, wherever, whenever and whatever. Are you not putting yourself in others’ shoes? Even someone punch-able, kickable, whack-able, torture-able, playable, tease-able deserves respect like everyone else. Cut the sarcasm that never encourages or helps. Have a little consideration for people around, have a little thoughts for fragile psyches. Anyways, I felt so wrong not been able to deliver the unmistakable theory that you misinterpreted it so wrongly, you theorized your own peculiar thoughts and by any means you make it sounds so right when only a few out of the entire human race agree with it. Twist it, squeeze it, shape it, you make it seem like you're winning not knowing failure is not far away from that seem-to-be victory. Helplessly I watched her being abused by that beast unable to utter a sound. He on the other hand never knows the limit, out of the boundary, manipulating people’s minds with his most convincing and precise words, playing people off against one another. I might be wrong what I have in mind. We have different set of theories that contradicts. Since we follow different ways, there is no point working together.

Wondering what is this passage about?
It's probably something only I could understand. =P

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not so lifeless afterall

22 June, I came back from Kota Kinabalu trip.
On top of Mt. KK was cold, the ground was warm,
due to the weather change, I suffered severed cough and flu.
Throughout the flight, I wore a mask worried that I might be quarantined for suspected Influenza A.
Too bad AirAsia didn't even bother to do temperature check.
Maybe it was okay since it was just an interstate flight.

On the 24th, with my cough and flu yet to be recovered, I joined my friend's bday celebration @ Neway 1 Utama. 14 people went, we got a huge room with 3 LCD TVs. We were too high we accidentally broke a jar and few glasses. Surprise for the bday girl was a home-made-not-so-good-looking-yet-delicious cake. Of course, my presence was already a great surprise. However, due to the flu, mucus that blocked some air passage became an irritation to my beautiful and sexy voice, I couldn't sing well that day. haha Btw, I went to see doctor to affirm whether I got A(H1N1) Flu, but doctor said I was fine.

On the 26th, we went for Transformers II, wonder why la so many people queued up for this movie to see the Transvestite M.F haha. kidding

On the 27th, I went Tenji Japanese Buffet at Mont Kiara with friends. Food was great, we ate like barbarians. One friend later threw out because he ate too much. Wasted.... but later he ate somemore.

On 4th July, My friend and I attended friends' brother's wedding dinner. Groom and bride make a perfect match. I was drunk yet insisted to drive home. Out of no where I started speaking Malay with my friend after I got drunk. haha Anyway we got home safely. (bad example)

5th July, we went Bukit Jalil Indoor Stadium to watch Cheerleading Competition and also to support our school team, Falcons from Sekolah Sri Bestari. I was proud with my school team's performance. Go Falcons. But we didn't win. =(

9th July, Candice's bday, as usual we planned surprise. Apparently, the surprise was quite successful. Climax of the day was when her not-so-secret admirer secretly gave her 4 paper "diamond rings" from POH KONG. She was touched. right Candice? haha

11 July, Sunway Lagoon! Heaven for guys, got lot leng luis, too bad I'm "not" into leng luis, I emphasize more on personalities hahahaha. I lied...

17 July, just before our friend Pak Quinn goes back to Australia, we had fun at his house, we had a crazy pillow fight. Everyone was exhausted yet happy. Bye Pak Quinn... we missed your cookings =)

22 July, Michelle's bday, with her Mum's agreement, we went to her house secretly at 11:50am and tried to surprise her at 12 am sharp. Unfortunately, our presence was a bit expected, couldn't outsmart her. Anyway, 19 of us went, what a huge gang, we turned her house upside down. Hope our noise didn't enrage her family and neighbours. Happy Birthday Michelle.

Other than all above,
besides fixing computers,
I also become driving uncle,
I got two students, Chooi Yee and Victoria.
No doubt, both of them are safe drivers,
road users don't need to worry.

and currently I'm working at a hardware shop at Bandar Baru Selayang,
Janji Mesra Sdn Bhd.
9:00am - 6:00pm

Who say I'm lifeless, I'm full of lives!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Little Nyonya (Ending) Minnie’s Version

小娘惹结局剧情 (Synopsis of The Little Nyonya ending)

Chor Chor (陈锡的婆婆)无意间从陈锡 (陈家少爷)和珍珠 (陈锡被逼娶的妻子)的争吵中得知胜儿被谋杀一事,一时经不起刺激晕倒过去了,一直昏迷不醒。医生要陈家做好心理准备毕竟Chor Chor年事已高,恐怕撑不久了。经过重重万难,陈锡仍然还没放弃月娘,老远从新加坡到马六甲找月娘。两人到湖边散步,叙旧谈心。谈话中,陈锡告诉月娘陈胜叔叔生前对他的叮咛,希望陈锡要坚持,不要像他一样,一生遗憾,一生寂寞。月娘也从中得知Chor Chor病重,情况不佳,月娘希望可以探望 Chor Chor。陈锡答应。珍珠妒忌陈锡把月娘带回家,气得对她所谓的“小野种”,月娘破口大骂,陈锡立刻阻止,然后带月娘到Chor Chor寝室。月娘见Chor Chor昏迷不醒,心疼不已,便拿出陈胜叔叔所留下的Pantun 歌谱,对Chor Chor 唱了三天三夜她爱听的Pantun诗歌。月娘的孝心感动了Chor Chor,终于从昏迷中苏醒。Chor Chor 很高兴可以再见到月娘并称赞她的歌声。珍珠假惺惺自荐要下厨煮给奶奶吃,可是却推给下人去煮,谁知食物难以入口,珍珠之后责骂下人。月娘无意听见,便亲自煮给Chor Chor吃,然后吩咐玲姐(陈家主管)送去给Chor Chor。临走前,月娘托玲姐要陈锡少爷好好照顾Chor Chor和少奶奶珍珠。陈锡知道后立刻向月娘追去,陈锡要她留下,他答应会好好照顾她,爱她,可是月娘以“我是不会和你在一起的,对不起”,拒绝了陈锡然后转头离去。

陈锡再次到马六甲找月娘想再次表达爱意,Chor Chor也托他送金手镯给月娘。月娘尴尬地接受Chor Chor的心意。陈锡本想约月娘一起吃午餐,不料恰巧PAUL约了月娘,成了挡箭牌。陈锡伤心地离开了,独自走在火车道上。月娘在与PAUL进餐时,忽然相通,到火车道找陈锡,陈锡高兴不已,冲向前拥抱月娘,可是月娘却狠心地把金手镯还给他,并要陈锡从此不再来找她。

在月娘生日那天,PAUL向月娘求婚,月娘毫不犹豫地答应了。月娘心愿未了,与陈锡一同寻找玉珠下落, 不料中了Robert Zhang的诡计。两人与神志不清的玉珠一同被锁在木屋里,Robert Zhang放火烧屋。陈锡英雄救美,可是却只救到玉珠,以为月娘被困火中,活活被烧死,哭不成泣。其实月娘已逃出火中,但她选择避开陈锡,让陈锡认为她已死了。




我的小娘惹结局 (Minnie's Version)

月娘心愿未了,与陈锡一同寻找玉珠下落,在他们的苦苦哀求下,Robert Zhang的司机答应带他们去见被囚禁的玉珠。司机把他们载到山边的一间小木屋,然后设计把他们骗到屋内,锁他们起来。玉珠并不在屋内,月娘和陈锡才知道中了Robert Zhang的诡计。Robert Zhang 从火烧屋,想把他们给活活烧死。火势猛烈,他们不知所措。忽然屋顶倒塌,陈锡冲向前为月娘挡,屋顶正中陈锡头部,严重受伤,奄奄一息。这时,月娘哭道:“你这臭人,你醒醒啊,不要离开我啊,呜呜”。说完便把陈锡背起,迅速地冲出火场。屋子很快的就烧成灰烬,陈锡快不行了,月娘让陈锡躺在怀里,眼看着天上的月亮,想起当年Nya Nya(妈妈)和她被日军追杀时,Nya Nya也因受伤,最后躺在月娘怀里,一睡不醒,想着想着不禁掉泪。这时陈锡弱弱地说着:“还我鸡汤啊,你还记得吗,上次我们被绑架时,我答应过你,如果我们能活着出去,我一定要娶你为妻,看来要来世才能实现我的诺言了。”月娘:“别乱说话,你一定会没事的,你还要堂堂正正地娶我为妻你知道吗,你不能死啊!”陈锡:“那。。。你是答应嫁给我了?”月娘:“是是是。。。。 你千万别睡啊”。醒来后两人都在医院,月娘和陈锡大难不死,在Chor Chor的同意下结为夫妇,珍珠则自愿和陈锡离婚,到英国散心。Charlie Zhang父子作恶多端,最后搞到生意失败,改过自新,投靠黄家,黄家大人不记小人过,原谅了他们。月娘生意越做越大,成为新加坡最富有的女性商人。玉珠恢复正常,为Robert Zhang生了一个儿子。PAUL伤心回英国,巧遇珍珠,两人相爱,结为夫妇。 最后一家团聚,圆满结局。

The idea of my ending might be a bit old, but that’s what people hope for, a happy ending. Not to say the original ending is not happy, just that …..

I want Chen Xi to be with Yue Niang!!!
However, in the end, they never together, so it’s considered a sad ending for me. =(

First time I blogged in Chinese cuz the drama is in Mandarin.. =P

Anyway, stupid drama, you know how many nights I spent sleepless because of you???!! and you know how many litres of tears I dripped because of you???!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Blog

Hey Pangeelapongers,

I've set my blog as private..
So i can keep it more personal,
but i've added pangeelapong acc as a reader.
so u can still read my blog through pangeelapong's acc :)

Thanks & sorrry for the inconvenience.
also, please please please click on the nuffnang ad when you all view my blog..
heh :)



Rogue Sperm

Swim, swim, swim,
butterfly stroke
breast stroke
followed by
dog paddle.....

Then, opps, got pregnant!

Har? swimming can make girls pregnant?
It may sound ridiculous but,
Yes, it is in today's (13/07/09) newpaper.

A 13 years old teenage girl got pregnant miraculously after using the pool in an Egyptian hotel.

Since the Polish mother claimed that her daughter did not meet any boys while she was in Egypt, neither the daughter has a boyfriend, so, it is believed that, there was some rogue sperm straying in the swimming pool and randomly had a date with the Ovum inside the girl's body.

The Polish woman then filed a lawsuit against an Egyptian hotel. The hotel was not named.

Erm... so

Knowing that sperm can survive for 72 hours or more, depending on the internal and external factors like sperm health, temperature, PH, and etc, guys! Please be more responsible of your own "property", please don't simply ejaculate in public places like swimming pool, water park, hot spring (hot temperature can kill sperm though) and so on.

For girls, for safety purpose, please do not go swim during your fertile period!
How to know when is your fertile period?

Easy, use Fertility Awareness Method (FAM),
FAM is a collection of practices that helps a woman know which days of the month she is most likely to get pregnant.

First method: Calender charting

1. keep your record of your menstrual cycle for 8 - 12 consecutive months. (Count first day of menstruation as day 1 and so on)

2. Then, pick your longest and shortest cycle.

3. Subtract 18 from your shortest length of menstrual cycle and subtract 11 from your longest length of menstrual cycle.

For example: if your shortest cycle is 26 days and your longest cycle is 31 days

26 - 18 = 8
31 - 11 = 20

So your first unsafe day starts from day 8 and ends at day 20.
In other words, day 8 - 20 is your fertile period!

Second method: Cervical Mucus Method

Kindly refer to the diagram below, bascially you just need to keep record (like the previous method) of your dry days and wet days, wet days are most likely your fertile period. =)

The wet substance is known as cervical mucus. It helps to draw sperm up to fallopian tubes and maintain the survival of sperm inside the woman's body.

For more info, kindly google "Fertility Awareness Method",
you can surely find a bundle of information on it.

However, if you still don't get it or you want to save troubles,
kindly consult your trusted gynecologist.

Take it seriously, I bet nobody hopes to have a child which you yourself do not know who the father is.

What I worried the most now is that, if this problem gets worse, girls might need to wear diaphragm next time when swimming...


Guys be more responsible, don't ruin a girl's life. =)

Friday, July 10, 2009


It had been more than one month since we had started our holiday,
time passed by very fast but yet slow.
There were a lots of things in my mind
but I can't really sort them out and write into a full essay.

I enjoyed my first month of holiday by traveling to a lots of places
such as Genting Highland, Kl, and of course Sabah.
However, my holiday started to become very dull since last week.

I chose to work in a lab of an so call orchid farm.
At first, I thought it will be very interesting

and I can learn a lots of useful techniques that might be applied to my degree course.

I was totally disappointed when I realized that
my job at there is only to transfer orchid plants from stages to stages.
had to sit in front of the machine to work for 7 hours from Monday to Saturday.

Seriously, I feel bored already,
and its just the second week I worked there.

An overview of the lab.. With thousand of conical flasks contain the young plants.

The medium used to germinate orchid seeds.

My working place..

I wish to go back to campus soon.
I missed my friends so much..pangeelapongers, eeleen, keat2, roomates, sabah gang, coursemates and of course bryan..:(

Anyway, my sister is starting to enroll in UNMC today.
I hope she can get use to the environment and meet more new friends.
Best luck for her oh..


My Result

Eversince I asked my tutor to post my result last week,
I waited in front of my letter box everyday,
Not that I was that excited to see my result,
I just wanna see it before my parents,
and probably hide it.

However, this tuesday,
don't know was it destined or it was just bad luck,
I forgot to check the letter box,
and guess what,
that was when exactly my result arrived by my doorway.
and guess what,
my DAD got it.

He was like,
urmm, what is this from NOTTINGHAM??
(although it was pretty obvious)

As a businessman, my dad is more sensitive with numbers and figures,
so from his years of experience,
basically there was nothing from this one-sheet-cheap-thin-A4-paper-result can hide from his microscopic vision.

Unsurprisingly, during his first scan, he saw the lowest mark, 31.
Perhaps the lowest mark on the result is something pantang for him or all businessmen,
cause in the context of business fields, it's equilvalent to making a loss already.

So, he asked, what the heck is this 31?
I didn't answer...

he asked again, what's this 62%?
I said .. " oo, thats the overall average for 3 semesters..."

Then he said sarcastically..... "ooO so this must be the TOP result in whole foundation in bioscience programme right?"

Just while I was thinking an answer to counter back his sarcasm,
he said again, "nvm la, as long as you know how to earn money next time can already..."

This is my result for SEM3

Eng - 68
Chem B - 52
Organic Chem - 31
Bio C - 51
Maths - 68
Average - 62%

Haih, how true,
Imperfection is everywhere....

Monday, July 6, 2009


To make it simpler, the expulsion of gas that accumulates in your rectum through the anus.
The gas is made up of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and flammable components like methane and hydrogen.
The gas is also known as flatus, or FART.

I remember once when I went Penang with friends for vacation.
Being students, 6 of us (all guy) economically stuffed ourselves into a small hotel room with only two joined single beds.
We stacked together like sandwiches or a man-train,
imagine that, 6 grown-up men on 2 single beds.
Thank God, things got better when my friend and I farted simultaneously that made everyone else jumped off the bed.

Anyway, neither I'm here to give you guys tutorial on how to fart, nor I'm here to tell you how useful is it to fart in certain "critical" situations.

I'm just gonna share something I noticed during my expedition at Mt. Kinabalu recently.
If you've ever climbed a mountain before, you should know in order to climb a mountain, you basically need stamina, energy and "a bit" of perseverance, especially when we talk about Mt. Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in Malaysia, 4095.2m above sea level.
So, normally mountain climbers won't waste much energy on talking/singing/sex or whatsoever.
On the contrary, they will stay focus on the rugged mountain path to prevent rolling down from the mountain.
Since, nobody is talking, while climbing mountain, it should be extremely quiet except for the hissing sound made by the animals and insects.
However, somehow/quite frequently you will hear another weird sound.....

Pronounced as "PUT"
but make it a little longerrrrrrr,


Yes, mountain climbers fart a lot!
This strange phenomenon got worse as we went higher.
I wasn't an exception~ haha
Being a civilised person, I've to admit, it's quite immoral and digusting to fart in public.
Moreover, it's quite embarrassing if you accidentally let out a "loud and smelly" one.

As a science student, I was curious about this unusual phenomenon and later I did my research on Flatulence.

I found out that we fart at high altitude just simply because the air pressure outside decrease and so the volume occupied by intestinal gas increased. According to an article "Do you toot more at high altitude?", it says experiments revealed that the volume of intestinal gas, typically around 115 milliliters at sea level, doubled at 15,000 feet (4572 m), tripled at 25,000 feet (7620 m), and rose by a factor of 7.6 at 40,000 feet (12192 m).

Although, the pressure increase at the peak of Mt. KK, 13,346 feet (4095.2 m) is less severed compared to 40,000 feet but it's probably enough to pump your gut up like a balloon!

So, next time don't hesitate to fart (a loud one/a silent one/an odourless one/a smelly one) when you're on the plane or when you're clmbing a mountain.

Be grateful all you did was just fart~

Just let it all out! =D

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What men don't say, but women need to know.

I hope this title doesn’t make me sound as though I’m a sexist. I’ll try to be as neutral as possible.

Undeniably, today, girls are also capable of doing what the boys are capable of, unlike during the age of Dinosaurs where women only stay home and breast-feed their children. Today, girls are constantly fighting/changing/learning/improving to put an “equal” sign between guys and girls. Undoubtedly, they are quite successful; somehow I would say that the girls already go beyond the ability of guys in many ways. However, an “equal” sign still yet to be put in between guys and girls for we differ biologically, not only that, scientifically, our brains think differently maybe because of the presence of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. Nevertheless, God has made boy and girl the only perfect combination that can produce offspring, not boy-boy or girl-girl. Nonetheless, I still think boy-boy or girl-girl is a good idea because at least they are of the same kind and there are many resemblances in the sense of behavior, attitude, and physical. I’m not promoting people to go against nature and who am I to say which and which is natural and which and which is not as this is really debatable and may get my ass into trouble. Anyway I still think God is right when he created Adam and Eve as a pair. Though He sure know they are different in many ways, but he is also certain that with tolerance, communication, understanding, mutual help (like the man hunts and woman stitches/cooks), they can mutually make a perfect couple.

Even so, building/holding/strengthening a relationship is not as easy as how you say “we must tolerate, we don’t hide feelings, I love you!” or whatsoever. How many times when you say you want tolerate with your boyfriend and you really do? How many times you tell your love partner you won’t hide feelings and you really don’t? Not always seriously. As I said earlier, men and women are totally different the way they think, so the only way to understand the opposite sex is through communication. If you (girls) hide your feeling and accumulate problems within yourself, guys are always too dumb to notice; as a result your bottle of anger will be bottled up and eventually burst. Dangerous… So learn how to keep an empty bottle. Same goes to guys actually.

Sometimes during a quarrel, neither the boy nor the girl will first admit his/her mistake for both has their own ego. Preferably, they will blame each other for not being understanding enough. Understand what? What he/she needs to know you got to say it out. Isn’t it a bit ridiculous when you don’t say and you expect your partner to know/understand? Anyway, saying it out may be easy, but you too need to consider the way you say it so that you won’t sound like a crazy person complaining about everything you’re not satisfied with. Don’t lose your temper! cause when you lost your temper, you hardly make yourself sound reasonable and your points are hardly acceptable. You need to stay cool and be mindful of the way you talk, your tone, your eye contact and so on, the art of talking with love partner is something I think people should learn to always create a win-win situation in any arguments.

Girls, you have to understand that guys are comparatively more aggressive ever since the time of Gengkhis Khan or even earlier, so guys’ temper is somehow in the gene, girls you sometimes have to bear with it; however that doesn’t give an excuse for the guys to become uncontrollably hot-tempered/violent/rude/unreasonable. Sometimes you girls too have your temper and it can be uncontrollable at times. However during a quarrel, is not who raises his/her voice first that matter, what matters is the ability/willingness to unconditionally tolerate with each other. Why do I say “unconditionally”? This is because if you tolerate yet you’re not satisfied, what’s the point? If you’re able to tolerate among friends, then why can’t you tolerate with your lover? After all, your lover should always be above all your friends.

Girls, you must know, no one is perfect in this world, so don’t keep your expectation too high. You just need a boyfriend who loves you truly. You don’t need a superman who can fly you around. You don’t necessarily need a boyfriend who looks like Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt either. You also don’t need a boyfriend who can serve as an ATM machine to let you squander all you want. Think of why you fell in love with him at the first place, besides the trick played by hormone phenlyethylamine (PEA) that gives butterflies to fall in love, what exactly about him that attracted you? What do you think is so good about this guy? That’s it, that’s the best you should expect from him, in time to come, you shouldn’t expect more like for example forcing him into a plastic surgery to get a higher nose or forcing him to become what you want him to be or other unreasonable requests. Same goes to guys. (It’s not applicable if you’re a gold digger instead of a boyfriend/girlfriend)

Girls, most boyfriends at our age have no income, neither they have billionaire father. So, don’t expect expensive present on every single occasions, if you love him, you won’t want him to impress you at the same time depress his wallet. Right? When comes to deciding the restaurant for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper, if it’s not too difficult, girls, you should give some suggestions too instead of letting guys make all the decisions. Since normally guys will grab the bill and pay, if you plan to accept the treat, suggest a restaurant which is fabulous yet inexpensive. That’s how it should be, unless you’re a gold digger. For guys, it’s not necessary for you to bring your girlfriend to a high class restaurant for a normal dinner so that you can impress her with your platinum card when you settle the bill. It’s not like by the end of the day you’re the one who’ll settle the credit card bill.

Whatever it is, basically this is not only about what women need to know but in fact men too need to know. I understand that all relationships go through peaks and troughs, you might get a little bored at times but always remember to have a little patience, passion and enthusiasm for life together. Hereby, I wish all couples stay blissful and happy forever.

Do check out what my buddy had to say too @