Sunday, June 7, 2009

This Week

Okae, most of you have been wondering what
I have been doing this week.

Firstly, I passed my driving test.
It was a freakish experience which I do not want to repeat again.

I started of with the bukit.
The bukit looks more terrifying
than it is on a normal practice day.

I was no 61 on the list,
so I had plenty of time watching other
students/ candidates.

Some passed.
Some failed.

Some rolled back down the hill.
Some just flew pass without stopping.

With much failures demoed infront of me,
my stomach did a jittery dance.

I felt like throwing up when my turn came.
Slowly, I inched my little Kancil forward.

Braving the hill looming
infront of me.

I accelerated and suddenly, the car
rolled behind.

I could feel that my instructor saying,
"WTF!!!This guy think can bribe this part?!!!!"

The JPJ guy said "Sekali lagi!!!"

MOore of a yell.

So I rolled back and retry.
The second attempt was better than the first.

I managed to get my wheEls on the petak kuninG :)


Now the tricky part.
Get the car across the bukit.

I accelarated like mad.....
Clouds of smoke billowed behind me....

Slowly I released the clutch and felt the
car lurch forward.

With precision, I released the handbrake and I
went past then hill.


Next task, parking.

I did my parking with presicion and ease.
Lol, I forgot to let the handbrake and I
left it on.

So I did my 3 poin t turn wrongly.
Luckily the JPJ guy did not see it.

With that, I did all my bukit, parking and turns.
Now for the road.

Bear in mind that I did
not have prior notice of my dad's bribe.

I started my car and forgot to put
in signal lights.

My JPJ was furious that I

He kept shouting at me.
I was so scared that I failed.

In the end, I passed.
All thanks to the power of money.

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